Social Responsibility
MiCrédito is committed to promoting social, economic and environmental improvements in the communities in which we work. We do this not only through our credit products, but also through our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. Our CSR program is composed of three main initiatives: Protecting the environment, Promoting education, and Supporting sports for youth.
Protecting the Environment
MiCrédito believes in the importance of promoting environmental protection and sustainability. In addition to our Solar Energy loan product which promotes more efficient, green energy, MiCrédito also seeks to create awareness among our staff, and Nicaraguan society in general about the importance of environmental protection. We organize CSR initiatives throughout the year such as tree planting days and garbage collection campaigns.
Promoting Education
At MiCrédito, we believe that education is the best way to promote the social and economic development of Nicaragua. We support a variety of education-related initiatives as part of our CSR strategy. For example, our Diploma in Finance with an emphasis on Microfinance provides scholarships for young Nicaraguans to gain training and experience in the microfinance sector. Read more about our Diploma program here.

Supporting Sports for Youth
While MiCrédito recognizes that values are cemented in the family, we believe that sport provides a way to encourage values such as teamwork, perserverance, and hard work in our youth. Through supporting sports for youth, MiCrédito seeks to provide a fun way for youth to get physical activity, while preventing them from becoming involved in illegal activities like drugs and crime.