On July first, MiCrédito commemorated 17 years of work in favor of financial inclusion for micro and small entrepreneurs. Currently the Microfinance Institution has more than 8,700 clients, more than 100 collaborators and presence in 2 Central American countries.
In 2021,the MFI's motto was "17 years of Financial Inclusion" for its high commitment to driving the growth of microentrepreneurs, students and women through innovative credit products that have a high social impact.
For her part, Verónica Herrera, General Manager emphasizes that, "Since the first day we founded MiCrédito, we have been faithful to our mission to change the quality of lives of many families in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. We will continue working with the Funders, Board of Directors, and our work teams to continue strengthening the institution and be able to be the financial support of more people."
The articulated work MiCrédito has been doing during these years allowed it to enter the Top three MFI’s with largest profitability of Central America and the Caribbean, according to the Quarterly Financial Monitoring Report of Redcamif.